Stacy Bodden-Inlow

Stacy Bodden-Inlow

Stacy Bodden-Inlow is deeply committed to civic involvement and fostering positive change in her community. Through her work, she collaborates closely with local schools, maintaining strong ties to education. Stacy grew up in Moss Point, attending public schools from West Elementary through her graduation from MPHS. After spending time in Pascagoula, she moved back home five years ago with a renewed passion for making a meaningful difference.

Stacy has always remained actively involved in the community and is dedicated to helping Moss Point grow and shine. With a deep love for children, she is passionate about mentoring and educating young people, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to improve their lives. Stacy looks forward to contributing to efforts that will ensure a brighter future for Moss Point and its next generation.

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